Channel: Questions in topic: "quadtree"
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Recursive Quadtree causing sudden fail

Got a problem with creating a Quadtree in Unity, on my Start function I create an instance of one Quadtree, the idea is that the quadtree subdivides itself into 4 children per node. The problem is that...

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Detect if bounds are "partially" inside camera frustum

So I'm using the useful convenience methods within Unity's API to find if my object is inside the camera view frustum, but I'm wanting to detect if it is partially inside. I'm creating my own quadtree...

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Which plane is which with CalculateFrustumPlanes

I understand that CalculateFrustumPlanes() in Unity3D returns an array of Plane objects, each representing a different frustum plane, but I can't find any documentation to suggest which element is...

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how to implement a quad tree

![alt text][1] how to implement a quad tree based on the following cubemap [1]: /storage/temp/32100-diamondsquare.png

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Collapsing Nodes in Quad Tree LOD System

I have a quad tree system set up where I have a root node that has four children and those children have children, etc. like any other quad tree, but the quad tree set up also mirrors what I have in my...

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Quadtree Neighbor Level Differences

I found a paper on a quad tree constant time neighbor found algorithm [here.][1] But iI figured that I only need one part of the algorithm, I don't actually need to find the neighbors, I just need the...

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Can Someone Explain this Code to Me?

I came across some code that seems to be able to determine the neighbor quad tree nodes in a quad tree, however I don't get exactly what's going on in the code. I do know that it's in C++ so the syntax...

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How to parse a quadtree efficiently? IEnumerator function? (Procedural Planet)

Hi, I hope you can help me with my hobby implementation of creating a procedural planet. I am using a cubesphere stored in 6 quadtrees [=my QuadtreeTerrain class]. UPDATE: I have changed the...

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